About us…
We are Kent and Sussex church of Christ. A New Testament church made up of simply Christians.
We call ourselves a church of Christ because we are a group of people who belong to Christ. This is one of the names the Bible uses to describe churches (Romans 16:16).
We look to the Bible as our only source of truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We are not part of a denomination or associate with other churches in our work. We follow no man-made creeds, traditions, bylaws, councils, or conventions. We follow what Jesus and His apostles taught (2 John 9). Our mission is the same as Christ’s: share God to the world and bring people back to Him (Matt 5:16, Luke 19:10).
Our worship is simple as found in the scriptures. It includes prayer, praising God in song, preaching from the Bible, the Lords Supper, and giving back to God. Visitors are never asked to give money - we are thankful for all our guests.
Please join us for bible study at 10 AM and worship at 11 AM on Sundays. We also have a midweek study at 7 PM on Wednesdays. We have adult, children & infant classes on Sunday and adult & children classes on Thursday. Come grow with us! We want to be helpful to you on your journey toward God.
Meeting Times
Sunday Bible Class
10:00 AM
Sunday Worship Service
11:00 AM
Wednesday Bible Class
7:00 PM
510 Smith Ave.
Harrington, DE 19952
Social Media
(Our Sermons and bible class discussions are posted on soundcloud.)
How can we help you know Jesus?
The scriptures teach us what we must do to be saved and accept His grace and death on the cross:
Hear the word of God (Romans 10:17, John 8:32)
Believe in Jesus as God’s Son (Mark 16:16, John 8:24)
Repent of past sins (Luke 13:3, Acts 17:30)
Confess faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:10, Matthew 10:32)
Be baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27)
Remaining faithful until death (Revelation 2:10)
These are the steps or conditions God asks of us in order to be saved. We do not earn it. We are not saved by our own works or efforts - we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8). Are you ready to take the steps in faith to be right with God?
Maybe you want to know more or have questions. That is a great place to be! Can we study the Bible with you? We can study any topic at your house, a members house, or in public. You will never regret learning what God says for yourself.
Please let us know how we can help you: Call us at 302-604-0419 or email us at member.kscoc@gmail.com